Monday, April 6, 2009

Websites, You Tube, and other internet-based "public arguments"

Here are some links to check out & refresh your memory (we should have looked at them all in class) for tonight's post:

Questions I'd like you to consider, for one of these pieces of "public argument" or for all of them, are:

1) What is the purpose of this piece? What might have been the goal(s) of the author/creator?
2) Who is, or might be, their target audience? A larger, unintentional audience?
3) How have they crafted their persuasion---what rhetorical strategies are they using? Are they successful, or at least interesting or thought-provoking?

Then, go ahead and make a post...same deal as last time, it doesn't have to be super long---say, at least 10 lines---but should be some aspect of your thinking/insights on these questions, and your response to one or all of the pieces we've looked at. The goal here is for a dialogue to emerge, so be sure to consider your classmates' posts as well....

Monday, March 30, 2009

STREET ART/PUBLIC ART: More info on tonight's homework....

Here are some links to check out & refresh your memory (we should have looked at them all in class) for tonight's post:

Questions I'd like you to consider, for one of these artists or all of them, are:

1) What is this artist trying to get people to think about and/or persuade them of?
2) Who is, or might be, their target audience? A larger, unintentional audience?
3) What rhetorical strategies are they using? Are they successful, or at least interesting or thought-provoking?

Then, go ahead and make a doesn't have to be super long---say, at least 10 lines---but should be some aspect of your thinking/insights on these questions, and your response to one or all of the artists we've looked at. The goal here is for a dialogue to emerge, so be sure to consider your classmates' posts as well....