Monday, April 6, 2009

Websites, You Tube, and other internet-based "public arguments"

Here are some links to check out & refresh your memory (we should have looked at them all in class) for tonight's post:

Questions I'd like you to consider, for one of these pieces of "public argument" or for all of them, are:

1) What is the purpose of this piece? What might have been the goal(s) of the author/creator?
2) Who is, or might be, their target audience? A larger, unintentional audience?
3) How have they crafted their persuasion---what rhetorical strategies are they using? Are they successful, or at least interesting or thought-provoking?

Then, go ahead and make a post...same deal as last time, it doesn't have to be super long---say, at least 10 lines---but should be some aspect of your thinking/insights on these questions, and your response to one or all of the pieces we've looked at. The goal here is for a dialogue to emerge, so be sure to consider your classmates' posts as well....


  1. Obama's youtube video definitely served the purpose of summarizing his week and his actions for the citizens of the United States. He is offering everyone an insight into what he is doing and why he is doing it. He even explains that he traveled abroad in order to "protect and strengthen our nation here at home." In general, I think Obama is just continuing with the radio addresses through a medium that is up to date and current with technology. Obama's audience appears to be the American public, perhaps predominantly young people because of their use of youtube. Yet, Obama may be reaching even non-Americans through youtube that may also view his addresses, for what happens in America is often closely watched by other citizens of the world. In the video, Obama speaks as if he is speaking one on one with you, aiding you to understand what exactly is going on. He obviously presents himself very well, as he is the President, and his speaking skills are insurmountable; it is clear of his authority and knowledge. He is not necessarily trying to persuade us about anything, but he is trying to calm our fears and thoroughly, yet simply explain the state of affairs in a logical manner. Overall, I think Obama's youtube video achieves the goal it set out to achieve: to educate the American public of the current state of affairs, the actions being taken, and why they are being taken.

  2. President Obama's Youtube video is a unique way of getting through to people. It is new and up to date every week keeping up with the busy life styles of the average American. This is a great way for Obama to get the attention and trust of people, and to show them and tell them what he wants. His audience is the American people but more the internet and youtube surfers. People spend alot of time on youtube so people are going to stumble upon his videos. it is also a great way to let citizens of other countries to be able to watch see what the United States has been doing. Overall Obama's youtube video is original and useful. His video is there to inform people who want to know what he is doing, what he is doing,and that is exactly what it does.

  3. I really enjoyed watching President Obama's speech as well. I had never heard of anyone in that high of power doing that before, although I do remember learning about the fireside chats. I think that him actually speaking in front of a camera means something too. I thought it was extremely personal which makes someone feel comfortable especially at this point in time. There is a lot of stuff going on, and just from hearing him speak directly to "us" it was great! It also means, that he is keeping up with the times and technology which I think is great from his side as well. In addition to this, I also really enjoyed when Obama was a guest on Jay Leno and making an NCAA basketball bracket. It just means that yes, he has to worry about politics but that he is also showing his own side and doing what he wants. I thought that these videos are a great way to continue his presidential run, and really keep up with the entire country!

  4. I thought that the YouTube video of President Obama was a really cool way to get the attention of people in our generation. Usually these types of public speeches are just shown on the NEWS making it sometimes inconvenient for people our age to watch because of other shows that may take priority such as, say, Gossip Girl. But this way this message is easy to access and help to target a generation that has not been effectively targeted in the past. I agree with Perri that it makes the message more personal as well. that it doesn't seem like he is addressing the entire nation, but just like he is speaking to you.

  5. Out of the video we watched in class I enjoyed the end of the world video the most. Although the video was meant to be comical, it also brings up a very important issue. The concept of a nuclear holocaust is very possible and the narrator gives a unique look on how it could happen. By highlighting major nations such as the United States, China, Russia, and the UK the narrator is able to show how all these countries are capable of creating a nuclear war. I liked how the narrator casually makes the remark that the US has about 2600 more nuclear warheads than any other country, because this is commonly overlooked and in reality it is a major threat to all other countries. He also does a good job representing neutral countries such as Australia and Canada, who would simply be innocent by standers in a nuclear war. I really enjoyed this video because it is hilarious and entertaining yet still covers a very serious topic

  6. After watching all the videos in class I found the end of the word video the most effective and most entertaining to watch. I feel that the purpose of the piece is to make not only Americans, but everyone, aware of what happens when no one gets along and how we are destroying our world. I think that since it is in english the main audience is America, especially since in the video they are the one's that started with the nuclear weapons, but in all i think that it is definitely a message to the entire world. The author uses a way of making a very serious matter not so serious and funny for everyone to watch. I think that its humor is what makes the video as effective as it is, which is the craft of persuasion.

  7. My favorite video we watched in class was the President Obama’s blog. I remember people talking about how presidents in the past used to talk on the radio for an hour a week. But by posting videos of a close-up of him makes this more personal. He shows that there is no BS between him and the country. He stays stern and talks with confidence. Another aspect that I liked is that he does not use grammaticism that the uneducated could understand. He is speaking for the country and for that to happen, everyone needs to understand. This is a video though that I feel needs to be shared with the rest of the country though. Talking with my friends, hardly any of them heard of this before.

  8. The end of the world video takes a comedic approach to the very real threat of the destruction of our world by nuclear warfare. In my opinion, comedy is an excellent way to reach out to people because it can soften problematic issues that exist in real life. Although the end of the world video is very funny, the purpose is to show that nuclear warfare is a situation that could possibly become a reality. Because this video is all over the internet, there is definitely a very large audience, consisting of anyone with internet access, which may have not been intentional from the beginning. From my perspective, I can see the target audience consisting of college students because of the humor involved. I think the creator is trying to reach the future of our nation so that the issue can be made clear and possibly become more prominent for the next generation to consider.

  9. Of the three examples for public arguments showed in class last monday, one really stuck out to me. Obama's clip on youtube border-lined an indescribable feeling that left us an audience with a sense of fulfillment. Making new grounds as a President, he has possibly undertaken the most challenging responsibility in American history as time to become head of the executive branch. These video postings raise the bar for presidents in todays World, reinstating the notion that despite being the most powerful figure in the world, the president is still a servant of the people. Obama is bringing people closer together by devoting time out his day to account for his mysterious schedule and by doing this he helps show where his allegiances truly lie. It's time Americans around the globe receive the respect they deserve holding our heads up high, regardless of what country we are in and hopefully with Obama's contribution, people around the world can rest assure they are in good hands letting a nation as economically as well as defensively powerful as we have become exist. To be honest i felt less that Obama was making any kind of argument and more so that he was informing the American public, directed more towards the younger generation of this country. It is clear his clip was meant for our age group and the informality of his videos solidify my interpretation of his intended audience. There is a lot to know out there and we as freshmen in college are still very new to this world, but at the end of the day it us where change exists. Our parents and previous generations have led to the state of things and is now up to us to fix it. From the economy and underemployment, to globalization and starving third world countries to global warming. It's time we take action into our own hands look beyond our own selfish motives in our decision-making processes whether in the business world or in our daily lives. Change is on the horizon and in this pivotable moment in history we must learn from past mistakes conceptualizing ourselves less by our differences and more by our similarities.

  10. I found the rent-a-negro website to be fairly successful at delivering its purpose. It calls attention to racial issues using a heavy commentary. This website brings up stereotypes that are still around today and pokes fun at today's racism. Rent-a-negro is an implicit website, and a soft commentary on racism in today's world. The target audience for this website would be affluent white people who can use black people as physical evidence that they are not racist. By renting-a-negro on this website (although completely fake), the white renter will immediately become a resident expert on African-American issues among their white friends. At the same time white renter will also be confirming that they are knowledgeable in African-American culture. This website is very thought-provoking because it was created by a black woman, but is still not treating black people equally.

  11. When watching the videos in class I found that the end of the world video in my opinion was one of the most effective. This is because it used a very comical approach to a very serious issue that our world is affected by. Although it's intent was to make a serious issue funny it also showed us that nuclear warfare is indeed a serious issue that could happen in the future. Since the video is on YouTube it gets a very large audience. Not only does it reach citizens in America but all over the world. Although the video is in English its main audience is most likely Americans it is able to reach anyone since it is posted on YouTube. Overall the video is very effective because it not only addresses a serious issue but also uses humor, which is a very effective method.

  12. I think that the Obama video was the msot suprising. I never expected to see the President post a video on youtube. His speech was similar to any other political speech in that it had a definitive goal. He was informing the people of the country what was on his week's agenda. It is a very successful way to getting this word out to the people. He reached a totally new audience. Now poeple can watch his speeches on tv, youtube, and even hear the general commentary on the radio. Basically, President Obama made himself more open and available to the public that Presidents in teh past.

  13. I thought the was the most interesting for me. I think the goals for this website were obvious. The creator was trying to show the problems with race in society today and how oblivious some people are to it. The reason the website is more laid back and comes across with a more joking type of way is so she doesn't offend people who are oblivious to what goes on. It gets the point across, but does not create the audience to be closed minded about the issue.

  14. I think President Obama's weekly address on youtube is a great idea. He is clearly successfully adapting to the technology crazy world we live in. By posting videos once a week on youtube it gives the American people an easy way to stay up to date with the issues he is dealing with throughout the nation and world. Also, the address was only roughly five minutes so even if people are very busy and short on time this gives them an opportunity to easily stay up to date. I also a agree with Perri and Jenna and liked the personal touch it gave.

  15. I really liked both the Obama Address and the "end of world" piece. First of all, the Obama speech was really interesting to see because I never knew that he did that until now. It is great to know exactly how the President of the united states works and what goes on throughout his day. It is crazy how busy he is and how much he actually gets done. I personally do not agree with Obama on many of his political views, but I do like him as a person because he is very down to earth and we definitely can see this in his speeches. The end of world video was very funny and gave a really blunt reality of what may happen to us if we or another country does something stupid. Overall, I enjoyed the videos thoroughly.

  16. I had no idea Obama took the time to do a weekly address on youtube, its a great idea. For one, its something that no president has done for awhile. It shows the American people that he cares about what they think and wants to let them know what is going on. In these hard economic times, this is a good way to help people feel a little better. Not to mention how little work our former president did to keep us informed.

  17. The purpose of Obama’s youtube video was to allow the public to understand what he is doing as President of the US. He was personally addressing the public as if the viewer was having a one on one conversation with the President. I think that this approach of persuasion is ingenious. Much like FDR’s fireside chats Obama is coming down to the public on a personal level. Although the advantage Obama has over FDR is the audience he can reach. FDR had a radio signal that was picked up by predominately those in America. Obama on the other hand is on the World Wide Web and can be viewed by all those around the world with Internet connection. The only thing I felt Obama could have done better was the quality of the video. It did not look professionally done. There was a constant noise of an airplane buzz in the background and the lighting was marginal. I think that the president of the United States should be able to put something a little bit better together. But then again maybe this is the “youtube” look he is going for.
